Monday, August 23, 2010

I had to quickly write about our families new favorite way to watch movies-NETFLIX, and more importantly on your Wii or internet ready.
Ya, so I've just be reacquainted with Netflix. We had blockbuster online for a while and quit because it was a little more than we wanted to pay at the time. I got one of those emails from Netflix, like me and I think everyone else does in their email ALL the time, but this time I didn't delete it but decided to try it out-after all it is free for 2 weeks, right?
Well not only is it great to have them send you any movie you want to watch (and fast, we're talking 1-2 day turn around) but now they have this feature were you can watch movies instantly, which is a nice feature, but I get sick of having to be in my office watching movies only on my computer screen.
Well, it's gotten even better! They send you a free disc for your Wii, Xbox 360, PS3, or internet connected Blu-Ray player and after inputing it and doing some very simple steps you can now watch streaming movies through your internet device. And there are lots of movies to choose from.
I've also heard that the selection will get much better next month. Netflix is contracting to make some new release movies available on instant viewing as well.

Here's what you get...for about $9 a month you get unlimited streaming movies (remember not all movies are available but the selection is very good) and 1 disc at a time in the mail. Not bad, it will pay for itself real quick if you ever rent a movie or buy one.
Check it out, do the 2 week trial and see if it's for you

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The best pillow

I looked at their website after doing this video. They show some other great ways to use the pillow. Plus they have another color as well as buy one get one free and it comes with a compress to.


Here's the link...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mmmm Candy

I have to tell you all about the coolest candy.
This candy made by the Jones Soda co. will give your mouth a tingle because it's...CARBONATED!
Yes, you heard right they carbonate candy. Comes in twelve different flavors based on their soda's. My top favorite cream soda & root beer, although the orange cream is pretty good too.
Other flavors are: (original flavors) MF Grape, Berry Lemonade, FuFu Berry, Green Apple, Cola
(Carbonated sours) Electric Lemonade, Limes & Orange, Spiked Punch
(Jumble) Oh Zone, Pike Place, 9th Ave.

I haven't tried all of them as they keep adding new flavors, but personally I wasn't lovin Berry Lemonade.
They can be hard to find in stores (some specialty cooking stores cary them). You can get them at the Jones soda site for about $2.49 each, or
It's a great treat that I hide from my kids ;)

Super straws

I have 3 little kids and kids like straws! I have never loved straws because they don't wash well and I feel it's such a waste of money buying something you just have to throw away. For anyone that feels the same, but still would like to reward their children for drinking their healthy vitamin shake with a cool straw then check this one out. My kids love these!

I ran across these super duper straws a couple months ago while working in northern Colorado. They are made by Zak designs, who also make some pretty cool dish-ware and things (if you have kids check out the kids plates, their fun).
These are reusable polycarbonate dot straws. In vibrant colors, that hold up. We have used them a lot with no wear so far. All you do is stick them in the dishwasher and voila, they are clean!
They have them on as well as different cooking specialty stores around the country. They come in a nice PVC pouch and sell for $6.50-$9.00 for 10 straws. If you use many straws they will pay for themselves pretty quickly.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Skype it baby...

I love skype! I signed up for it a few years ago and then never really tried it. Well I was reacquainted with it not long ago when my little sis and her fam moved to Cali (sniff, sniff) So to keep in touch better and to allow the kids to stay close with their only cousin we fired up the Skype.
It rocks! Now most of our family is on and we get to see and talk with them as much as we wish. (although I think my sister was getting a little annoyed when I would Skype them right before bed-hehehe)
So wether you're far or close to the people you want to see and talk to this is great. It's free and easy to download-they even have an ap for the iphone (although currently you can only talk, not video chat when you have a wi-fi connection, but with the iphone 4 I'm hoping you'll be able to do more) It works on both Mac & PC, you just need internet-duh-and a webcam, which most computers/laptops come with now days.
Get connected search for your friends and family and get Skyping today.

One quick funny story about Skype before you go...My little bro and his girlfriend have started using Skype to stay connected, the funny thing is they haven't figured out how to get the computer volume turned up so they are Skyping while they talk on their phones-almost defeats the purpose :)

Here's the link.

My first Fav-It's a funny one

My favorite blog.
If you like random crazy clean humor then this blog is for you! It's hard to explain how funny it is, you just have to go and see for yourself
Here is the link-

Well here's what I'm doing...

Well I'm taking on a new adventure-one that I'm excited about and should be a lot of fun.
I got the idea in my head a little while ago to do something like this and I couldn't get it out of my head-so here I am.
I love trying nifty cool things, I always have, in fact it used to get me in trouble when I was little cuz I would mail order items with out letting my parents know. My sister and I would often secretly try the newest gadget I got in the mail with much delight.
I always thought I should be the official As Seen On TV tester-cuz unofficially I was.
Today I always get excited about the newest something thing I have and I love telling people - I have made quite a few companies a lot of money because I don't shut up if I like it. I'm always on the look out for the neatest gadget, newest make your life easier thing or just a great find that no one really knows about yet. So I will post my favorite things I have found over the years and the new ones I get and try and like. I'll let you know my pros and cons, be sure to let me know if you like it as well!